Program Management
1. Draft, analyze, integrate, review and provide recommendations for Milestone and other documentation in accordance with Government, DOD and Service regulations
Evaluate issues and provide recommendations related to ship, submarine,
information system, or weapon system cost, schedule, and performance
3. Gather information, identify issues and provide recommendations and draft documentation to achieve overall goals for weapon system strategic planning
4. Recommend resolution of issues for milestone decisions
5. Provide programming, planning and budgeting management
6. Provide information and recommendations to respond to Congressional, DOD, other Government agency, media or industry inquiries, and audits and for Congressional testimony
Analyze, evaluate and provide recommendations for the planning,
development, monitoring and execution of procurement and contractual
documentation and field activity performance
8. Facilitate IPTs, special advisory boards, offsites, working groups, audit teams etc.
9. Analyze, evaluate and prepare program briefs, reports and correspondence
10. Review, analyze and provide recommendations to utilize new initiatives and best practices to improve areas within program management
11. Prepare and maintain program documentation
Analyze, evaluate and provide recommendations for the management of
FMS, International, DEA, Joint and Tri-service, etc. programs
13. Provide inputs to independent cost estimates (for life cycle costs or other activities)
14. Prepare estimates at completion (EAC) for work conducted by a government activity or a contractor
15. Analyze contractor proposals as permitted by law and regulation
16. Provide recommendations on cost realism
17. Conduct cost/performance trade off studies
18. Perform contract earned value management system (EVMS) analyses
Analyze, evaluate and provide recommendations for Total Ownership Cost
(TOC), CAIV and LCC evaluations and associated management plans
20. Perform tradeoff studies and risk assessments
21. Provide program support for reviews, conferences, briefings and other meetings
22. Conduct surveys and analyze results
23. Draft program schedules and Gantt charts and perform critical path analysis
24. Integrate (ESH) Environmental, Safety and Health requirements with the DOD acquisition process
25. Review, track, and evaluate contract deliverables
26. Provide waterfront liaison
27. Provide design oversight including configuration and data management
28. Review, assess and monitor production reports and recommend resolution to production problems
Draft, analyze, review and provide recommendations on test and
evaluation program planning, provide installation, testing, execution
documentation and checkout support of ship and weapons systems and
participate in tests and trials
30. Provide recommendations and
initiatives for Command Improvements to reduce overall costs, including
but not limited to Business Case Analysis, cost benefit analysis,
e-business solutions