Enter Title



(a) Contractor identification is essential for complying with statutory contract reporting requirements. Therefore, the offeror is requested to enter, in the block with its name and address on the Standard Form 33 or similar document, the annotation "DUNS" followed by the DUNS number which identifies the offeror's name and address exactly as stated in the offer.

(b) If the offeror does not have a DUNS number, it should contact Dun and Bradstreet directly to obtain one. A DUNS number will be provided immediately by telephone at no charge to the offeror. For information on obtaining a DUNS number, the offeror, if located within the United States, should call Dun and Bradstreet at 1-800-333-0505. The offeror should be prepared to provide the following information:

(1) Company name.

(2) Company address.

(3) Company telephone number.

(4) Line of business.

(5) Chief executive officer/key manager.

(6) Date the company was started.

(7) Number of people employed by the company.

(8) Company affiliation.

(c) Offerors located outside the United States may obtain the location and phone number of the local Dun and Bradstreet Information Services office from the Internet Home Page at http://www.customerservice@dnb.com/. If an offeror is unable to locate a local service center, it may send an e-mail to Dun and Bradstreet at globalinfo@dnb.com.


Any contract awarded as a result of this solicitation will be DX rated order; X DO rated order certified for national defense use under the Defense Priorities and Allocations System (DPAS) (15 CFR 700), and the Contractor will be required to follow all of the requirements of this regulation. [Contracting Officer check appropriate box.]


(a) Definitions. As used in this provision--

"Discussions" are negotiations that occur after establishment of the competitive range that may, at the Contracting Officer's discretion, result in the offeror being allowed to revise its proposal.

"In writing or written" means any worded or numbered expression, which can be read, reproduced, and later communicated, and includes electronically transmitted and stored information.

"Proposal modification" is a change made to a proposal before the solicitation's closing date and time, or made in response to an amendment, or made to correct a mistake at any time before award.

"Proposal revision" is a change to a proposal made after the solicitation closing date, at the request of or as allowed by a Contracting Officer as the result of negotiations.

"Time", if stated as a number of days, is calculated using calendar days, unless otherwise specified, and will include Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. However, if the last day falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, then the period shall include the next working day.

(b) Amendments to solicitations. If this solicitation is amended, all terms and conditions that are not amended remain unchanged. Offerors shall acknowledge receipt of any amendment to this solicitation by the date and time specified in the amendment(s).

(c) Submission, modification, revision, and withdrawal of proposals. (1) Unless other methods (e.g., electronic commerce or facsimile) are permitted in the solicitation, proposals and modifications to proposals shall be submitted in paper media in sealed envelopes or packages (i) addressed to the office specified in the solicitation, and (ii) showing the time and date specified for receipt, the solicitation number, and the name and address of the offeror. Offerors using commercial carriers should ensure that the proposal is marked on the outermost wrapper with the information in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) and (c)(1)(ii) of this provision.

(2) The first page of the proposal must show--

(i) The solicitation number;

(ii) The name, address, and telephone and facsimile numbers of the offeror (and electronic address if available);

(iii) A statement specifying the extent of agreement with all terms, conditions, and provisions included in the solicitation and agreement to furnish any or all items upon which prices are offered at the price set opposite each item;

(iv) Names, titles, and telephone and facsimile numbers (and electronic addresses if available) of persons authorized to negotiate on the offeror's behalf with the Government in connection with this solicitation; and

(v) Name, title, and signature of person authorized to sign the proposal. Proposals signed by an agent shall be accompanied by evidence of that agent's authority, unless that evidence has been previously furnished to the issuing office.

(3) Submission, modification, or revision, of proposals.

(i) Offerors are responsible for submitting proposals, and any modifications, or revisions, so as to reach the Government office designated in the solicitation by the time specified in the solicitation. If no time is specified in the solicitation, the time for receipt is 4:30 p.m., local time, for the designated Government office on the date that proposal or revision is due.

(ii)(A) Any proposal, modification, or revision received at the Government office designated in the solicitation after the exact time specified for receipt of offers is ``late'' and will not be considered unless it is received before award is made, the Contracting Officer determines that accepting the late offer would not unduly delay the acquisition; and--

(1) If it was transmitted through an electronic commerce method authorized by the solicitation, it was received at the initial point of entry to the Government infrastructure not later than 5:00 p.m. one working day prior to the date specified for receipt of proposals; or

(2) There is acceptable evidence to establish that it was received at the Government installation designated for receipt of offers and was under the Government's control prior to the time set for receipt of offers; or

(3) It is the only proposal received.

(B) However, a late modification of an otherwise successful proposal that makes its terms more favorable to the Government, will be considered at any time it is received and may be accepted.

(iii) Acceptable evidence to establish the time of receipt at the Government installation includes the time/date stamp of that installation on the proposal wrapper, other documentary evidence of receipt maintained by the installation, or oral testimony or statements of Government personnel.

(iv) If an emergency or unanticipated event interrupts normal Government processes so that proposals cannot be received at the office designated for receipt of proposals by the exact time specified in the solicitation, and urgent Government requirements preclude amendment of the solicitation, the time specified for receipt of proposals will be deemed to be extended to the same time of day specified in the solicitation on the first work day on which normal Government processes resume.

(v) Proposals may be withdrawn by written notice received at any time before award. Oral proposals in response to oral solicitations may be withdrawn orally. If the solicitation authorizes facsimile proposals, proposals may be withdrawn via facsimile received at any time before award, subject to the conditions specified in the provision at 52.215-5, Facsimile Proposals. Proposals may be withdrawn in person by an offeror or an authorized representative, if the identity of the person requesting withdrawal is established and the person signs a receipt for the proposal before award.

(4) Unless otherwise specified in the solicitation, the offeror may propose to provide any item or combination of items.

(5) Offerors shall submit proposals in response to this solicitation in English, unless otherwise permitted by the solicitation, and in U.S. dollars, unless the provision at FAR 52.225-17, Evaluation of Foreign Currency Offers, is included in the solicitation.

(6) Offerors may submit modifications to their proposals at any time before the solicitation closing date and time, and may submit modifications in response to an amendment, or to correct a mistake at any time before award.

(7) Offerors may submit revised proposals only if requested or allowed by the Contracting Officer.

(8) Proposals may be withdrawn at any time before award. Withdrawals are effective upon receipt of notice by the Contracting Officer.

(d) Offer expiration date. Proposals in response to this solicitation will be valid for the number of days specified on the solicitation cover sheet (unless a different period is proposed by the offeror).

(e) Restriction on disclosure and use of data. Offerors that include in their proposals data that they do not want disclosed to the public for any purpose, or used by the Government except for evaluation purposes, shall--

(1) Mark the title page with the following legend: This proposal includes data that shall not be disclosed outside the Government and shall not be duplicated, used, or disclosed--in whole or in part--for any purpose other than to evaluate this proposal. If, however, a contract is awarded to this offeror as a result of--or in connection with-- the submission of this data, the Government shall have the right to duplicate, use, or disclose the data to the extent provided in the resulting contract. This restriction does not limit the Government's right to use information contained in this data if it is obtained from another source without restriction. The data subject to this restriction are contained in sheets [insert numbers or other identification of sheets]; and

(2) Mark each sheet of data it wishes to restrict with the following legend: Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction on the title page of this proposal.

(f) Contract award. (1) The Government intends to award a contract or contracts resulting from this solicitation to the responsible offeror(s) whose proposal(s) represents the best value after evaluation in accordance with the factors and subfactors in the solicitation.

(2) The Government may reject any or all proposals if such action is in the Government's interest.

(3) The Government may waive informalities and minor irregularities in proposals received.

(4) The Government intends to evaluate proposals and award a contract without discussions with offerors (except clarifications as described in FAR 15.306(a)). Therefore, the offeror's initial proposal should contain the offeror's best terms from a cost or price and technical standpoint. The Government reserves the right to conduct discussions if the Contracting Officer later determines them to be necessary. If the Contracting Officer determines that the number of proposals that would otherwise be in the competitive range exceeds the number at which an efficient competition can be conducted, the Contracting Officer may limit the number of proposals in the competitive range to the greatest number that will permit an efficient competition among the most highly rated proposals.

(5) The Government reserves the right to make an award on any item for a quantity less than the quantity offered, at the unit cost or prices offered, unless the offeror specifies otherwise in the


(6) The Government reserves the right to make multiple awards if, after considering the additional administrative costs, it is in the Government's best interest to do so.

(7) Exchanges with offerors after receipt of a proposal do not constitute a rejection or counteroffer by the Government.

(8) The Government may determine that a proposal is unacceptable if the prices proposed are materially unbalanced between line items or subline items. Unbalanced pricing exists when, despite an acceptable total evaluated price, the price of one or more contract line items is significantly overstated or understated as indicated by the application of cost or price analysis techniques. A proposal may be rejected if the Contracting Officer determines that the lack of balance poses an unacceptable risk to the Government.

(9) If a cost realism analysis is performed, cost realism may be considered by the source selection authority in evaluating performance or schedule risk.

(10) A written award or acceptance of proposal mailed or otherwise furnished to the successful offeror within the time specified in the proposal shall result in a binding contract without further action by either party.

(11) The Government may disclose the following information in post award debriefings to other offerors:

(i) The overall evaluated cost or price and technical rating of the successful offeror;

(ii) The overall ranking of all offerors, when any ranking was developed by the agency during source selection;

(iii) A summary of the rationale for award; and

iv. For acquisitions of commercial items, the make and model of the item to be delivered by the successful offeror.


(a) Facilities capital cost of money will be an allowable cost under the contemplated contract, if the criteria for allowability in subparagraph 31.205-10(a)(2) of the Federal Acquisition Regulation are met. One of the allowability criteria requires the prospective contractor to propose facilities capital cost of money in its offer.

(b) If the prospective Contractor does not propose this cost, the resulting contract will include the clause Waiver of Facilities Capital Cost of Money.


The need for customary progress payments conforming to the regulations in Subpart 32.5 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) will not be considered as a handicap or adverse factor in the award of the contract. The Progress Payments clause included in this solicitation will be included in any resulting contract, modified or altered if necessary in accordance with subsection 52.232-16 and its Alternate I of the FAR. Even though the clause is included in the contract, the clause shall be inoperative during any time the contractor's accounting system and controls are determined by the Government to be inadequate for segregation and accumulation of contract costs.

52.233-2 SERVICE OF PROTEST (AUG 1996)

(a) Protests, as defined in section 33.101 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation, that are filed directly with an agency, and copies of any protests that are filed with the General Accounting Office (GAO), shall be served on the Contracting Officer (addressed as follows) by obtaining written and dated acknowledgment of receipt from

Ann Van Houten

NC-3 Rm 540

2531 Jefferson Davis Highway

Arlington, VA 22242-5160

(b) The copy of any protest shall be received in the office designated above within one day of filing a protest with the GAO.


(a) The offeror is requested to enter its CAGE code on its offer in the block with its name and address. The CAGE code entered must be for that name and address. Enter ``CAGE'' before the number.

(b) If the offeror does not have a CAGE code, it may ask the Contracting Officer to request one from the Defense Logistics Information Service (DLIS). The Contracting Officer will--

(1) Ask the Contractor to complete section B of a DD Form 2051, Request for Assignment of a Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code;

(2) Complete section A and forward the form to DLIS; and

(3) Notify the Contractor of its assigned CAGE code.

(c) Do not delay submission of the offer pending receipt of a CAGE code.


(a) No award will be made to any offeror, which does not possess a facility security clearance issued by the Defense Investigative Service at the Secret level. Naval Sea Systems Command will initiate appropriate security clearance action for any apparent successful offerors, which do not already possess such clearance. The Government is not obligated to delay award pending security clearance of any offeror.

(b) The security classification of this procurement is specified in the Contract Security Classification Specification, DD Form 254, attached hereto.



The purpose of this Request for Proposal is to procure Professional Support Services in support of NAVSEA, its related PEOs and field activities. The period of performance shall be five years from date of contract award, plus two five-year option periods.

Questions concerning the solicitation: Offerors may submit questions, concerns, or request clarification of, any aspect of this solicitation via electronic mail to the following address: vanhoutenaf@navsea.navy.mil. The offeror must include the company name in the subject line of the email. The questions should include the page number and paragraph number or identifier, which pertains to the offeror’s question. Questions received without this information may not be answered. It is requested that all questions be received by 05 January 2001 to allow the Government adequate time to prepare and issue responses so that offerors can use the information in preparing their proposals. The Government shall continue to accept questions up to the closing date and time set for receipt of proposals; however, time may not permit responses to questions received after 05 January 2001 to be prepared and issued prior to receipt of proposals. Comments and questions must reference SOLICITATION N00024-00-R-7000. Acknowledgment of receipt of questions shall not be made. Communications deemed necessary or important to understand or respond to the solicitation shall be posted along with any and all solicitation amendments at www.contracts.hq.navsea.navy.mil.


2.1 Proposals must be submitted no later than January 26, 2001 at 2:00 p.m. EST to the following address:


Naval Sea Systems Command

2531 Jefferson Davis Highway

NC-3 Room 5E40

Arlington, VA 22242-5160

Attention: Code 029A

Modifications, amendments, or withdrawal of proposals and other written non-electronic communications should also be made to the above address.

2.2 Telegraphic offers shall not be considered.

2.3 Offerors are required to submit ONE PAPER PROPOSAL and ONE ELECTRONIC PROPOSAL via two 3.5 INCH FLOPPY DISKS. Offerors must comply with the detailed instructions for the format and content of the proposal.

2.4 Unnecessarily elaborate proposals are not desired.

2.5 On the outside of each floppy disk, the Offeror shall clearly mark:

·         the solicitation number,

·         and the offeror’s name,

·         contents of disk.



3.1 For Bidding/Proposal purposes the estimated effective date of contract award is 01 April 2001.

3.2 Proprietary data contained in the proposal shall be handled as identified in DFAR 252.227-7013.

3.3 The proposal shall be prepared and submitted in form and content in accordance with the instructions herein. Offerors must respond to all requirements of the solicitation with no additions or deletions. All required fill-ins must be completed and all information provided in the format and content requested. Non-conformance with the solicitation requirements shall render the offer non-responsive and the offeror may be ineligible for award.

3.4. An offeror’s proposal is presumed to represent his best efforts to respond to the solicitation. The Government intends to award one or more contracts without discussions, as permitted by FAR Clause 52.215-1. Offerors are reminded that offers containing exceptions to the solicitation shall not be evaluated, shall render the offer non-responsive and the offeror may be ineligible for award.

3.5 Offerors must provide comprehensive information on all pertinent aspects of the effort being offered to enable the Government to evaluate the offeror’s understanding of, and capability to meet all the stated requirements covered in the Statement of Work (SOW). The offeror shall provide sufficient detail to substantiate the validity of all stated claims. Further, the offeror shall indicate that it shall comply with each requirement of the solicitation and shall explain how compliance is achieved. Clarity, completeness and conciseness are essential, and the overall breadth and depth of the proposal shall be evaluated in the context of being representative of the offeror’s capabilities. Data previously submitted, or presumed to be known, i.e., previous projects performed for NAVSEA or related Program Executive Offices, cannot be considered unless such information is provided. Responses must adequately address specific solicitation requirements, and be responsive to the terms and conditions of the solicitations. Statements such as "the offeror understands," "the offeror has a long history of outstanding support", along with responses that paraphrase the solicitation, are considered inadequate. Phrases such as "standard procedures shall be employed" or "well known techniques shall be used," without a specific Government or industry reference, shall be considered inadequate and unsatisfactory.

3.6 Offerors shall not include CLASSIFIED material in the proposal.

3.7 Offerors must respond to all requirements of the solicitation. Offerors shall not alter the solicitation (other than completing the appropriate "fill-in" blocks and certifications).

3.8 The Government also reserves the right to change any of the terms and conditions of this solicitation by amendment at any time prior to contract award and to allow offerors to revise their offers accordingly, as authorized by FAR 15.206.

3.9 Offerors may submit only one proposal as a prime contractor, but may be listed as a subcontractor in one or more competing proposals. Subcontractors may be listed on more than one competing proposal; however, specific experience (shall statements) in Tables A and B should only be listed in one proposal. NAVSEA desires proposals from high performance teams that have the capability to perform all aspects of the Statement of Work. NAVSEA is open to joint ventures or other legal arrangements of offerors to maximize quality and minimize prices for the services to be provided. NAVSEA will allow a prime to add or subtract team members during the life of the contract only by written approval of the Procuring Contracting Officer. However, the offeror must meet or exceed the proposed small business subcontracting requirements regardless of team changes.

3.10 The Government reserves the right to include oral presentations as part of the proposal evaluation process. If oral presentations are conducted, offerors will be advised at least two weeks in advance of the format, structure and content of the presentations.


4.1 In order to maximize efficiency and minimize the time for proposal evaluation, it is required that all offerors submit their proposals in accordance with the format and content specified. Offerors must respond to all requirements of the solicitation. Offerors shall not alter the solicitation (other than completing the appropriate "fill-in" blocks and certifications). Each offer must contain the following information on paper and on two 3.5-inch floppy disk.

4.2 The paper proposal and electronic proposal, shall be prepared so that if an evaluator prints the proposal it meets the following format requirements:

·         8.5 x 11 inch paper,

·         Single-spaced typed lines, including figures, glossaries.

·         1 inch margins

·         12-point (Times New Roman font) in the text and

·         10-point (Times New Roman font) for all tables

·         No hyperlinks

·         In Microsoft Word and Excel software.

4.3 The proposal shall be limited to the following submissions and pages:

·         Identification Page Limit

·         Cover letter 2 pages

·         SF 33 1 page

·         Section B No limit

·         Section H No limit

·         Section K No limit

·         Evaluation Factor 1: Technical Capability

o   Experience/ Expertise Breadth No limit

o   (b) Knowledge Depth No limit

o   (c) Management Approach 25 pages

o   (d) Subcontracting No limit

  • Evaluation Factor 2: Past Performance

o   No separate submission (included in Tables A and B)

  • Evaluation Factor 3: Price

o   Savings Approach 20 pages

o   (b) Ceiling Unit Price for Item 0001 1 page

o   (c) Compensation Plan No limit

NOTE: All electronic proposals shall be submitted on two 3.5 inch floppy disks. DO NOT INCLUDE GRAPHICS OR PICTURES. The Government shall not consider any information presented beyond the last whole word within the PAGE LIMIT.


5.1 The completion and submission to the Government of an offer shall indicate the offeror’s unconditional agreement to the terms and conditions in this solicitation. In evaluating an offeror’s capability, the Government shall consider how well the offeror complied with the instructions in this solicitation.

5.2 The Government intends to award a contract without discussions, as permitted by FAR Clause 52.215-1. Offerors are reminded that offers containing exceptions to the solicitation shall not be evaluated. The Government also reserves the right to change any of the terms and conditions of this solicitation by amendment at any time prior to contract award and to allow offerors to revise their offers accordingly, as authorized by FAR 15.206.

3. COVER LETTER: The proposal shall include a cover letter signed by an individual authorized to commit the company to the proposal. The cover letter shall identify all enclosures being transmitted as part of the proposal. The letter shall reference the solicitation number and acknowledge that it transmits an offer in response to the solicitation. It shall state:

a. Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) number,

b. Duns Number,

c. Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN),

d. Address(es) of the location(s) at which the offeror intends to perform the proposed effort,

e. Name, address and telephone number of the cognizant DCAA office,

f. Name, address and telephone number of the cognizant ACO, and

g. Proposal validity through 15 June 2001,

h. Names and telephone numbers of persons authorized to conduct negotiations, as well as the name of the official authorized to bind the offeror’s organization shall be clearly identified.

5.4.1 Standard Form 33 with blocks 13 through 18 completed.

5.4. 2 Section B: All fill-ins to be completed by the offeror. The Offeror shall insert the proposed amount or contractor specific information where an * appears in Section B. The entire "page" from the solicitation must be provided in the contractor's proposal with the information inserted. The Offeror must propose a ceiling unit price for Items 0001, 0004 and 0007. This rate must reflect the highest actual average labor rate for the most recent fully completed accounting year. Note that the rate may be from the prime or any other team member. All applicable direct and indirect costs, escalation and profit associated with the labor rate must be applied. This rate should be selected from the team member with the highest priced labor category. These are the maximum fully burdened labor rates, which may be bid for any work under these Items during the entire period of performance. This rate should reflect the highest labor rate within the offeror’s team with the appropriate burdens, escalation and profit. This rate should not include any travel or ODC costs. There are no prices for the offeror to complete for items 0002, 0003, 0005, 0006, 0008 and 0009. DO NOT INCLUDE THE ENTIRE SOLICITATION IN THE PROPOSAL, ONLY THOSE PAGES CONTAINING "FILL IN" INFORMATION.

5.4.3 Sections H: All fill-ins to be completed by the offeror. In clause H-11, Guaranteed Saving Clause the Offeror shall insert the proposed amount or information where an * appears in Section H. The entire "page" from the solicitation must be included in the contractor's proposal with the information inserted. DO NOT INCLUDE THE ENTIRE SOLICITATION IN THE PROPOSAL, ONLY THOSE PAGES CONTAINING "FILL IN" INFORMATION.

5.4.4 Section K: All fill-ins to be completed by the offeror. The Offeror shall insert the proposed information where an * appears in Section K. The entire "page" from the solicitation should be reproduced and included in the contractor's proposal with the information inserted. DO NOT INCLUDE THE ENTIRE SOLICITATION IN THE PROPOSAL, ONLY THOSE PAGES CONTAINING "FILL IN" INFORMATION.


5.5.1 Depth and Breadth: The offeror shall complete Table A (located at the end of the solicitation) to provide its breadth of experience and expertise by PEO, NAVSEA Directorate, Field Activity and Other organizations. If the PEO, NAVSEA Directorate, Field Activity or Other organization has been renamed since the work was performed, provide the appropriate information under the current organization name, not the name under which the work was originally performed. The offeror should provide the maximum amount of experience/expertise the offeror’s team has in each PEO, NAVSEA Directorate, Field Activity or Other organization. It is desired that the offeror’s team be able to demonstrate experience in all applicable "shall statements" (column A) for a given PEO, NAVSEA Directorate, Field Activity and Other organization. Subcontractor experience for a specific "shall statement"(column A) may only be listed in one proposal. It is the offeror's responsibility not to duplicate subcontractor experience across competing proposals. For example, Primes X and Y cannot list subcontractor A for the same "shall statement" in table A.

5.5.2 Depth and Breadth: The offeror shall complete Table B (located at the end of the solicitation) for each contractor and reference number cited in Table A.

5.5.3 Management Approach

The Offeror shall describe its management approach to provide NAVSEA with outstanding quality professional support services while maximizing innovation and cost reduction initiatives and facilitating NAVSEA’s conversion to performance based contracting in accordance with OSD direction. The management approach must be formatted as follows:

1. Describe your management approach to provide a high performance team with an optimal balance between breadth and quality across NAVSEA customers.

2. Describe your approach to integrate professional support services within and across PEOs and NAVSEA Directorates to institute best practices throughout NAVSEA and realize cost savings.

3. Describe your approach to mold, manage and maintain this high performance team, including your:

·         Capability to manage this team.

·         Ability to manage change to preserve stability

·         Ability to monitor and maximize quality

·         Approach to guarantee responsiveness and cooperation to customers

·         Approach to problem resolution

·         Flow down of incentives to your team partners.

4. Data Rights and Patent Rights. The Offeror shall discuss the extent to which the license rights in technical data, computer software, computer software documentation, and inventions/patents it contemplates offering to the Government encompass the following:

·         Ensures the unimpeded, innovative and cost-effective production, operation, maintenance and upgrade of affected engineering systems and equipment throughout their life cycles;

·         Allows for open and competitive procurement of affected engineering systems and equipment;

·         Permits the transfer of innovative engineering technologies to other systems or platforms;

The Offeror must indicate any limitations or exceptions to implementing the above items.

The offeror must include either a statement that this management approach was prepared by team members or provide a list of consultants involved in preparing the response. The management approach shall not exceed twenty-five pages. The Government shall not consider any information presented beyond the last word of the 25th page.

5.5.4 SUBCONTRACTING SUBCONTRACTING PLAN This proposal submission only pertains to those offerors who do not qualify under NAIC 541330 at a size standard of $20,000,000 or do not have a plant wide subcontracting plan. For those offerors required to submit a subcontract plan, the following information is required:

Each subcontracting plan required under 19.702(a)(1) and (2) must include --

(1) Separate percentage goals for using small business, HUBZone small business, small disadvantaged business, and women-owned small business concerns as subcontractors;

(2) A statement of the total dollars planned to be subcontracted and a statement of the total dollars planned to be subcontracted to small business, HUBZone small business, small disadvantaged business, and women-owned small business concerns;

(3) A description of the principal types of supplies and services to be subcontracted and an identification of the types planned for subcontracting to small business, HUBZone small business, small disadvantaged business, and women-owned small business concerns;

(4) A description of the method used to develop the subcontracting goals;

(5) A description of the method used to identify potential sources for solicitation purposes;

(6) A statement as to whether or not the offeror included indirect costs in establishing subcontracting goals, and a description of the method used to determine the proportionate share of indirect costs to be incurred with small business, HUBZone small business, small disadvantaged business, and women-owned small business concerns;

(7) The name of an individual employed by the offeror who will administer the offeror's subcontracting program, and a description of the duties of the individual;

(8) A description of the efforts the offeror will make to ensure that small business, HUBZone small business, small disadvantaged business, and women-owned small business concerns have an equitable opportunity to compete for subcontracts;

(9) Assurances that the offeror will include the clause at 52.219-8, Utilization of Small Business Concerns (see 19.708(a)), in all subcontracts that offer further subcontracting opportunities, and that the offeror will require all subcontractors (except small business concerns) that receive subcontracts in excess of $500,000 ($1,000,000 for construction) to adopt a plan that complies with the requirements of the clause at 52.219-9, Small Business Subcontracting Plan (see 19.708(b));

(10) Assurances that the offeror will-

(i) Cooperate in any studies or surveys as may be required:

(ii) Submit periodic reports so that the Government can determine the extent of compliance by the offeror with the subcontracting plan;

(iii) Submit Standard Form (SF) 294, Subcontracting Report for Individual Contracts, and SF 295, summary Subcontract Report, following the instructions on the forms or as provided in agency regulation; and

(iv) Ensure that its subcontractors agree to submit SF 294 and SF 295; and

(11) A description of the types of records that will be maintained concerning procedures adopted to comply with the requirements and goals in the plan, including establishing source lists; and a description of the offeror's efforts to locate small business, HUBZone small business, small disadvantaged business, and women-owned small business concerns and to award subcontracts to them.

In addition, the offeror must include the following subcontracting requirements:

At least 20% of the total amount obligated under the contract (not per task order) must be subcontracted to small businesses. In achieving the 20% requirement, the following specific minimum requirements must be met:

·         5% of the total dollars obligated to Small Disadvantaged Businesses,

·         5% of the total dollars obligated to Women-Owned Small Businesses,

·         1% of the total dollars obligated to Hub-zones,

·         1% of the total dollars obligated to Veterans preference

The 20% subcontracted effort must be comprised meaningful work under the statement of work within the task orders. Offerors are encouraged to exceed the minimums and are directed to review Section M on the evaluation of this information as they determine their subcontracting plans. The Contractor shall provide copies of three final SF 294s for the three relevant contracts, which best demonstrated the contractor’s ability to achieve the proposed subcontracting plan. The offeror shall submit a copy of all subcontracts or teaming agreements for any team member who may perform effort directly chargeable to this contract.


No additional submission is required for past performance information. The Government shall use the references provided in Table B and other information available from Government sources to evaluate an offeror’s past performance. The Government reserves the right to limit the number of references it decides to contact and to contact references other than those provided by the offeror.

5.7. PRICE

5.7.1 Cost Savings Approach. It is the intent of this solicitation to provide NAVSEA, its related PEOs and field activities outstanding quality professional support services while maximizing innovation and cost reduction initiatives. The Offeror shall describe its cost savings approach to provide high quality services at a reduced cost to the Government in the following format:

1. For all proposed amounts within the H-11 Guaranteed Savings Clause, describe how you will achieve the proposed price reductions and volume discounts. Describe how you will minimize the pass-through charge and your ability to reduce it below the proposed percentage during the life of the contract.

2. Describe ideas for additional cost savings initiatives, which could be implemented at any or all levels at NAVSEA, its PEOs or field activities, including for example, professional support services processes improvements, e-business solutions, or cost savings for contractor travel. The Government will not consider any information beyond the last word of the 20th page.

5.7.2 Item 0001 Ceiling Unit Rate. The offeror shall provide a breakdown of the derivation of the ceiling unit rate, including the method for developing the direct labor rate (what labor category for what company), the indirect burdens applied, the escalation used, and the profit rate. The offeror’s price breakdown shall not exceed one page. The Government shall not consider any information presented beyond the last word of the 1st page.

5.7.3 Compensation Plan. In accordance with FAR 52.222-46, provide your compensation plan for your proposed IDIQ management team.


(a) Recompetition of service contracts may in some cases result in lowering the compensation (salaries and fringe benefits) paid or furnished professional employees. This lowering can be detrimental in obtaining the quality of professional services needed for adequate contract performance. It is therefore in the Government's best interest that professional employees, as defined in 29 CFR 541, be properly and fairly compensated. As part of their proposals, offerors will submit a total compensation plan setting forth salaries and fringe benefits proposed for the professional employees who will work under the contract. The Government will evaluate the plan to assure that it reflects a sound management approach and understanding of the contract requirements. This evaluation will include an assessment of the offeror's ability to provide uninterrupted high-quality work. The professional compensation proposed will be considered in terms of its impact upon recruiting and retention, its realism, and its consistency with a total plan for compensation. Supporting information will include data, such as recognized national and regional compensation surveys and studies of professional, public and private organizations, and used in establishing the total compensation structure.

(b) The compensation levels proposed should reflect a clear understanding of work to be performed and should indicate the capability of the proposed compensation structure to obtain and keep suitably qualified personnel to meet mission objectives. The salary rates or ranges must take into account differences in skills, the complexity of various disciplines, and professional job difficulty. Additionally, proposals envisioning compensation levels lower than those of predecessor contractors for the same work will be evaluated on the basis of maintaining program continuity, uninterrupted high-quality work, and availability of required competent professional service employees. Offerors are cautioned that lowered compensation for essentially the same professional work may indicate lack of sound management judgment and lack of understanding of the requirement.

(c) The Government is concerned with the quality and stability of the work force to be employed on this contract. Professional compensation that is unrealistically low or not in reasonable relationship to the various job categories, since it may impair the Contractor's ability to attract and retain competent professional service employees, may be viewed as evidence of failure to comprehend the complexity of the contract requirements.

(d) Failure to comply with these provisions may constitute sufficient cause to justify rejection of a proposal.