Past performance information is an indicator of an offeror's
ability to perform successfully.
Under this contract, performance will be evaluated annually
for overall efforts on the IDIQ contract in the CPARS database and at the end
of each Task Order in the IDIQ database.
Evaluation of past performance will be based on each IDIQ
holder’s past performance data on work performed under this IDIQ contract, as
well as other information available to the Government.
For both evaluations, the following items will be measured:
technical accuracy of the deliverables, general quality of supplies and
services delivered, timeliness, cost control (for CPFF line item), achievement
of small business subcontracting requirements, contractor's responsiveness to
customers, team stability and cooperation with other IDIQ holder teams.
The Contractor will be provided with a copy of the Task
Order past performance evaluation for each task order and an opportunity to
respond to disputed items.