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1. Perform, review and/or analyze feasibility, rough order of magnitude, and concept studies

2. Perform and/or provide recommendations to ship and weapon system design reviews, including naval architecture in the context of a total ship engineering approach (both platform and weapon system) including but not limited to integration of combat systems and C4ISR interfaces, requirements tracibility measures of effectiveness, insertion of new technology, and analyses of construction and support costs

3. Perform and/or provide reviews, analysis, studies, documentation and recommendations for systems engineering design and/or naval architecture through all phases of a ship and weapons system life cycle including technology development, demonstrations, prototype development and test and evaluation

4. Review, analyze and make recommendations for the development of Mission Needs Statement (MNS), Technical Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP), Operational Requirements Document (ORD), Circular of Requirements (COR), technical documentation and general specifications

5. Develop input to ship and weapon systems specifications and contracts

6. Provide Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Engineering

7. Develop/maintain engineering plans, program records, design histories, design configurations, databases and other documentation

8. Perform and participate in modeling, engineering development, prototype, pre-production and simulation development and analyses

9. Identify and resolve weapon system test and evaluation issues

10. Draft, analyze, review and provide recommendations on test and evaluation program planning, provide installation, testing, execution documentation and checkout support of ship and weapons systems and participate in tests and trials

11. Perform and make recommendations on technical, performance, producibility, life cycle, risk, ROI, etc. and tradeoff studies and assessments

12. Provide recommendations to utilize new initiatives, new technologies and best practices to incorporate new engineering developments into ship and weapon systems

13. Provide technical support for evolving science and technology projects into advanced technology development

14. Independently assess maturity of advanced technology developments and recommend actions to transition into engineering development

15. Conduct systems integration analyses including Human Systems Integration (HSI) engineering

16. Identify and recommend solutions to quality assurance issues

17. Conduct reliability, maintainability, availability, hazard, safety, and risk analyses and reviews

18. Conduct ship/system check and recommend solutions for ship/system problems

19. Develop, review and provide recommendations on total ship and ship system specification and design certification requirements

20. Provide recommendations for resolution of emergent technical issues

21. Facilitate IPTs, special advisory boards, offsites, working groups, audit teams, etc.

22. Develop/review and provide recommendations for engineering change proposals (ECPs), Justification Cost Forms (JCFs), Ship Alterations (SHIPALTs), Ordnance Alterations (ORDALTs), etc.

23. Provide engineering analyses, recommendations and documentation to IPTs, special advisory boards, offsites, working groups, audit teams, etc.

24. Conduct analyses, reviews, assessments, provide recommendations and prepare documentation for systems safety; occupational safety and health, and environmental protection including Environmental Assessments (EAs), environmental impact statements, Overseas Environmental Assessments (OEAs), Programmatic Environmental Safety and Health Evaluations (PESHEs), Weapons System Explosive Safety Review Board (WSESRB) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

25. Perform interoperability and interface studies and recommend solutions. Document the proposed process and develop testing procedures to confirm results

26. Assist in the Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR), Manufacturing Technology (MANTECH) and Future Naval Capabilities (FNC) processes

27. Provide systems engineering analysis, reviews, studies, documentation and recommendations related to the development, interoperability, integration analysis, operations, sustainment and disposal of Battle Force units, interface between units, systems, subsystems and equipment

28. Perform COTS analysis in the systems engineering process

29. Provide technical analysis, reviews, studies, documentation and recommendations for the development of training materials and of operational doctrine and techniques

30. Provide support in the development, analysis, testing and certification of materials and their application

31. Develop, review, analyze and document engineering processes, associated metrics and provide recommendations to improve those processes

32. Prepare, review and provide recommendations on ship, systems and equipment drawings

33. Analyze, develop, review, document and provide recommendations on performance assessments against evolving threats in various environments

34. Analyze, develop, review, evaluate and provide recommendations for approaches to ship and battle force global connectivity

35. Provide engineering management to include configuration management, design budget development and monitoring, and technical logistics interface

36. Provide information and recommendations to respond to Congressional, DOD, other Government agency, media or industry inquiries, and audits and for Congressional Testimony

37. Provide recommendations and initiatives for Command Improvements to reduce overall costs, including but not limited to Business Case Analysis, cost benefit analysis, e-business solutions